February 28, 2012

Leap into Books Giveaway Hop

From February 29th through March 5th, we're participating in the Leap into Books Giveaway Hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Jinky is Reading. The rules are that we can give away something that a Reader, a Blogger or an Author would enjoy. So we thought we'd do something a little different and give away the book Gardening For Dummies (7 Books in 1).

1 copy of
GARDENING FOR DUMMIES (7 Books in 1) to the winner of the Giveaway - Open to US only.
Drawing for the Giveaway will be held on March 5, 2012, and the winner will be announced on March 6, 2012.

To be eligible to enter the Giveaway, you must "Follow" this site
then enter with this FORM. One entry per person please. Follow us on Twitter and/or Like us on Facebook for an extra chances to win. Leave a comment and your URL and we'll follow you back!

Here's a list of all the stops on the Hop!


  1. Oh my, I love gardening so much! But I could really use this book because all I really do is buy plants on discount in the fall and dig holes and plant them. I don't do anything extra for them, and just love the flowers. But it would be nice to improve the gardens around the house; maybe this book would help. Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Thanks for the chance to win. I love to garden!

    I am a GFC follower: Jess/Fairday Morrow
    Twitter: @DMS Files
    Networked Blog: Jessica Haight
    Facebook: Jess Haight
    email: haightjess at gmail dot com

    My blog is participating in the hop, too. Swing on by to enter for a chance to win a gift card and a book. :)

  3. My GFC: Sarah Walker

    FB: Sarah Walker (sreis1987)

    Blog: lover2387.blogspot.com

    Twitter: @starcrossed22

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

    sreis1987 (at) gmail (dot) com
